Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday night and back to work..

Once again it was Monday and I had a lot on my schedule. Most important was a meeting with my boss to plan my working hours for the next two weeks. I have got to work quite a lot to make up for all the money I spend in DC.

I have just finished eating with Kritte, we had hamburgers with corn, oven baked potatoes, and béarnaise sauce. I was almost done with it when Kritte came home from soccer, where he once again made a diving tackling and now has two big wounds on his knee! But Neosporin is taking care of it – yes, it is in USA you get the good doping!! (What’s up Landis?)

Tomorrow it is back to work, which is going to be a bit boring compared to the past 5 weeks!

Take care everyone.



Sunday, July 30, 2006

Three hours later…

It is now 09:30 AM and I just woke up. Well I am not a 100 % fresh that’s for sure.

No pictures as I forgot to bring my camera, which probably is a good idea. The only pictures that I would have been able to produce are of three guys drinking more than they should.

I think I have had enough drinking for a while and I am looking forward to some non-alcohol days.

Have a nice Sunday.



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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sunday morning….

It is now 06:20 AM, and I have just returned to the apartment with Kritte. We have had a fun night at a bar, a private party, and now at our apartment.

I hope that I soon will be able to go to bed, since I am going to play flag football at 10 AM.

Anyway, the temperature is high and we don’t have any AC – so I will now take some ice and bring it to my room.


CPH by night

I am still adjusting to the time difference and temperature difference. Friday night I went to a party with my two roommates and two other friends.

On the picture you can see all five of us in the bar. Some look more drunk than others, and some are more drunk than others!!

Right now I am warming up – getting ready to another night out. I expect that you, my American friends, have continued the style from the last weekend and are getting ready to party as well.

It is still very strange to be back home and I already miss being in DC. However, I look into the exchange program at my school, and it looks like GW will be my first priority, and the chances are actually pretty good.

Kritte, the very tanned (brown) guy in the picture, is calling for me to finish my drink. Below is a picture of my two roommates, Kritte(left) and Lasse(right).

Take care.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

A new location, a new blog!

I have now returned to Copenhagen, Denmark, and it is therefore time to start a new blog.

I will hopefully be able to post something every other day.

Have a nice summer.
