Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday night and back to work..

Once again it was Monday and I had a lot on my schedule. Most important was a meeting with my boss to plan my working hours for the next two weeks. I have got to work quite a lot to make up for all the money I spend in DC.

I have just finished eating with Kritte, we had hamburgers with corn, oven baked potatoes, and béarnaise sauce. I was almost done with it when Kritte came home from soccer, where he once again made a diving tackling and now has two big wounds on his knee! But Neosporin is taking care of it – yes, it is in USA you get the good doping!! (What’s up Landis?)

Tomorrow it is back to work, which is going to be a bit boring compared to the past 5 weeks!

Take care everyone.




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